you can change a fraction to a decimal by dividing the bottom number into the top number.
0.5 is a decimal so therefore you cant change a decimal to a decimal. But, 0.5 as a number is 5.
2.625 is a decimal.
3.45 is a decimal.
1.25 is a decimal.
3350 grams of water is 118.168 ounces
percent notation for 33.5 = 3350%33.5 * 100% = 3350%
3350 lbs / 2000 lbs/ton = 1.675 tons
How far did I run if I ran for 20 minutes and stepped 3350 steps
You can change a decimal into a fraction or a percentage
you can change a fraction to a decimal by dividing the bottom number into the top number.
0.5 is a decimal so therefore you cant change a decimal to a decimal. But, 0.5 as a number is 5.