To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. If you want to convert a decimal to a percent, multiply it by 100. If you want to make a percent a fraction, just put it over 100 and then simplify. To change a fraction to a percent, divide the fraction and then multiply it by 100.
33%:= 0.33 in decimal= 33/100 in fraction
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 210 percent is equal to 2.1.
It is: 120% is 1.20 as a decimal and 6/5 as a fraction
you turn the decimal into a fraction then you turn the fraction into a whole number and add a percent sign
To change 6% to a fraction, change it to a decimal, which is 0.06, and then to a fraction, which is 6/100 or 3/50 in simplest terms.
Change the percentage to a decimal by taking the percent and pitting it behind the decimal and to change it to a fraction put the percent under 100
17 percent into a fraction and a decimal = 17/100; 0.17
To change a fraction to a decimal: Perform the indicated division. To change a fraction to a percent: Perform the indicated division. Then multiply the quotient by 100.
33%:= 0.33 in decimal= 33/100 in fraction
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 79 percent is equal to 0.79.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 210 percent is equal to 2.1.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 55 percent is equal to 0.55.
100%-= What Fraction and What decimal point ?
Any kind of fraction becomes decimal notation if you divide the denominator into the numerator. Any decimal notation becomes a percent if you multiply it by 100.
for a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator by the denominator. 9/10=.90. for percent what ever the decimal is, the percent is. .76=%76