First you find a common denominator, then you convert both fractions to the common denominator.
For the common denominator, find a number that is divisible by both denominators. Just multiplying both will work, but this is not always the most efficient method, since this may cause you more work later, to simplify the result. Once you decide on a common denominator, in both fractions multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same number.
Example: 1/3 + 1/4
Common denominator is 12
Multiply the first fraction by 4/4, and the second by 3/3, to obtain:
4/12 + 3/12
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First you find a common denominator, then you convert both fractions to the common denominator.
For the common denominator, find a number that is divisible by both denominators. Just multiplying both will work, but this is not always the most efficient method, since this may cause you more work later, to simplify the result. Once you decide on a common denominator, in both fractions multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same number.
Example: 1/3 + 1/4.
Common denominator is 12,
Multiply the first fraction by 4/4, and the second by 3/3, to obtain:
4/12 + 3/12.
Dissimilar fractions may or may not be proper fractions.
Well, similar means the same and dissimilar means different, so the difference is that they are different.
They are fractions that have different denominators as for instance 3/4 and 5/8 are dissimilar fractions.
Finding the lowest common denominator
you can change a fraction to a decimal by dividing the bottom number into the top number.