To convert any decimal into its corresponding percentage, simply multiply it by 100. Thus, 0.5*100 = 50% 1*100 = 100%, etc.
0.38 = 38/100 = 19/50
To convert a number to a percentage, just multiply the given number by 100%.Example: 0.50 to percentage = 0.5 * 100% = 50%.
1.14 to a fraction = 114/100 or 57/50
7.14 into fraction = 714/100 or 357/50
50/100 *20
To convert 50% to decimal divide by 100: 50% ÷ 100 = 0.5
To convert 50% to decimal divide by 100: 50% ÷ 100 = 0.5
38 marks out of 100 for your externals and 12 marks or above out of 25 for your internals will make you pass but not score. So you will need 50% or 50 marks out of 100.
i got 45 marks tell me i m pass or failed.. 50 i passing marks ...
100 us dollar
To convert a fraction to a percentage multiply by 100: 15/50 = 15/50 x 100 % = 30 %
You first have to take the marks to a German bank and convert them into euro. Then you can use this currency converter to calculate it.
50 out of 100 in theory (min. required)
karen swam 100 m in 50 seconds?
100% = 1 50% = 1 ÷ 2 50% = ½
To convert decimal to perce ntage, multiply the decimal by 100%. Example: 0.5 * 100% = 50%