To convert the decimal number 8.43 to a mixed number, we first separate the whole number part and the decimal part. The whole number part is 8, and the decimal part is 0.43. To convert the decimal part to a fraction, we write 0.43 as 43/100 (since there are two decimal places). Therefore, the mixed number form of 8.43 is 8 43/100.
1.023 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 1023/1000 or 1 23/1000.
To convert a mixed number to an improper fraction, multiply the denominator by the whole number, add that total to the numerator and put the whole thing over the original denominator.
To convert a mixed number to an improper fraction, multiply the denominator by the whole number, add that total to the numerator and put the whole thing over the original denominator.
Oh honey, bless your heart. Integers are like the good ol' whole numbers - no decimals allowed. They're like the stubborn old grandpa who refuses to budge from his ways. So, nope, integers and decimals don't mix.
how do i contvert each decimal measurement to a mixed number
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction. Divide the denominator into the numerator. Multiply the answer by 100, which is moving the decimal two places to the right.
To convert a mixed number to a decimal, first change the mixed number to an improper fraction and then divide the numerator by the denominator. The quotient will be the decimal number equal to the original mixed number.Example: 3 4/5 = 15/5 + 4/5 = 19/5 = 3.8
fraction=3/4 mix number= there is no mixed number as the decimal is .75 as opposed to a larger number such as 7.5 which would be put as 15/2
To convert decimals into mixed numbers is very simple. Lets say we have 1.50 and want to convert it to mixed number. The whole number (1) is going to be the whole number and the decimal (.50) is going to be the fraction. Put the decimal over 100 to get the fraction and then simply reduce to simplest form if needed. Ex: 1.50= 1 and 50/100 =1 and 1/2 2.75= 2 and 75/100= 2 and 3/4 or you can shove abanana in your favorite ear
7.79 = 779/100
1 and 1/4
9 1/8
To convert the decimal number 8.43 to a mixed number, we first separate the whole number part and the decimal part. The whole number part is 8, and the decimal part is 0.43. To convert the decimal part to a fraction, we write 0.43 as 43/100 (since there are two decimal places). Therefore, the mixed number form of 8.43 is 8 43/100.
10 and 2/5