Convert the top (numerator) to decimal, and then convert the denominator to decimal. Octal fraction 15/26 is decimal (8+5) divided by decimal (16+6) = 13/22 decimal.
To convert a percent into decimal, divide by 100. So 5% = 5/100 = 0.05
To convert the decimal 6.625 to a mixed number, you first need to separate the whole number part from the decimal part. The whole number part is 6, and the decimal part is 0.625. To convert the decimal part to a fraction, you can write it as 625/1000 and simplify it to 5/8. Therefore, 6.625 as a mixed number is 6 5/8.
6.4How to do it:You already have the whole number, which is 6, so what you have to do now to convert 2/5 as a decimal is divide 2 by 5, which = .4, so it would be 6.4
To convert 5% to decimal: 1. Remove the % sign. 2. Divide 5 by 100. 5% = 0.05 in decimal
To convert 6 4/5 to decimal form, leave the 6 and divide 4 by 5. The answer is 6.8.
5/6 = 0.83... To convert a decimal to a percentage multiply by 100. So 5/6 = 83.3% (1 decimal place.)
Convert the top (numerator) to decimal, and then convert the denominator to decimal. Octal fraction 15/26 is decimal (8+5) divided by decimal (16+6) = 13/22 decimal.
To convert a percent into decimal, divide by 100. So 5% = 5/100 = 0.05
To convert a fraction into a decimal, simply divide its numerator by its denominator. For example to convert 5/8 to a decimal, divide 5 by 8 to get 0.625.
To convert the decimal 6.625 to a mixed number, you first need to separate the whole number part from the decimal part. The whole number part is 6, and the decimal part is 0.625. To convert the decimal part to a fraction, you can write it as 625/1000 and simplify it to 5/8. Therefore, 6.625 as a mixed number is 6 5/8.
3 3/5 = 3+ (6/10) = 3 + .6 = 3.6
the first step is to convert the fraction into a decimal which you do by dividing the numerator by the denominator. 3/5= .6 next, covert the decimal into a fraction this is done by multiplying .6 by 100. .6*100=60 3/5 = 60%
5 out of 6 as a decimal = 0.833...5/6:= 5 ÷ 6= 0.833... in decimal
6% - 0.06
6.4How to do it:You already have the whole number, which is 6, so what you have to do now to convert 2/5 as a decimal is divide 2 by 5, which = .4, so it would be 6.4
To convert 6% to decimal divide by 100: 6% ÷ 100 = 0.06