8.36 as a mixed number in its simplest form is 8 and 9/25
To convert 2.81 to a mixed number in simplest form, we first need to separate the whole number part from the decimal part. The whole number is 2, and the decimal part is .81. To convert the decimal part to a fraction, we place it over 100 (since there are two decimal places in .81), which gives us 81/100. Therefore, 2.81 as a mixed number in simplest form is 2 81/100.
what is-7.125 as a mixed number in its simplest form
To express 92.96 as a mixed number in simplest form, we first need to convert the decimal portion to a fraction. Since 0.96 is equal to 96/100, we have 92 96/100. Simplifying the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 4, we get 92 24/25 as the mixed number in simplest form.
4.18 as a mixed number in simplest form is 49/50
The answer is 17 3/100
It is: 93 and 2/25 reduced to its simplest form
A mixed number is it simplest form.
8.36 as a mixed number in its simplest form is 8 and 9/25
To convert 2.81 to a mixed number in simplest form, we first need to separate the whole number part from the decimal part. The whole number is 2, and the decimal part is .81. To convert the decimal part to a fraction, we place it over 100 (since there are two decimal places in .81), which gives us 81/100. Therefore, 2.81 as a mixed number in simplest form is 2 81/100.
what is-7.125 as a mixed number in its simplest form
45.52 as a mixed number in its simplest form is: 4513/25
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 20.6 is equal to 20 3/5 or twenty and three fifths.
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 55.38 is equal to 55 19/50 or 55 and nineteen fiftieths.
To express 92.96 as a mixed number in simplest form, we first need to convert the decimal portion to a fraction. Since 0.96 is equal to 96/100, we have 92 96/100. Simplifying the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 4, we get 92 24/25 as the mixed number in simplest form.
17 6/10 is the answer in simplest form it is 17 3/5
It is: 7 and 5/100 or as 7 and 1/20 in its simplest form