Make the mixed number into an improper fraction and then divide the numerator into the denominator and then move the decimal to the left two places!!!!!!!(:
If you know how to turn a mixed number into a fraction and a fraction into a decimal do that then make it negative.
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction. Any fraction can be expressed as a decimal by dividing the denominator into the numerator.
First you convert the decimal into a mixed-number/fraction. Then you have to find the common denominator and compare.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator by the denominator - on a calculator, or using long division.
Divide the fraction then put the whole number at the front of the decimal.
If you know how to turn a mixed number into a fraction and a fraction into a decimal do that then make it negative.
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction. Any fraction can be expressed as a decimal by dividing the denominator into the numerator.
First you convert the decimal into a mixed-number/fraction. Then you have to find the common denominator and compare.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator by the denominator - on a calculator, or using long division.
Divide the fraction then put the whole number at the front of the decimal.
To convert a mixed number into a decimal, first you must convert the fraction part of the mixed number into decimal form. Do this by dividing the numerator (the top number) by the denominator (the bottom number). Then, place the whole number that was originally part of the mixed number as the whole number for the decimal. For example, let's convert this mixed number into a decimal: 51/4. 1/4 = 0.25 The whole number originally part of the mixed number, 51/4 is 5. Place 5 as the whole number for the decimal. Therefore, the answer is 5.25.
To convert the decimal 14.6 to a mixed fraction, we first need to separate the whole number part and the decimal part. The whole number part is 14, and the decimal part is 0.6. To convert the decimal part to a fraction, we can write it as 6/10, which simplifies to 3/5. Therefore, 14.6 as a mixed fraction is 14 3/5.
The answer depends on what you wish to convert into a mixed fraction.
Turn the mixed fraction into an improper one, then divide the denominator into the numerator. 3 and 1/4 = 13/4 = 3.25
Say the decimal out loud to yourself, and the way it sounds will be the fraction. If it is an improper fraction, I'm guessing you know how to change it to a mixed number. For example, if it was .25, then it would be 25 over 100.
Convert it to an improper fraction and divide the denominator into the numerator.