Not all calculators have a percent key. Simply do the following:
Divide the top of the fraction (numerator) by the bottom (denominator) and multiply the result by one hundred.
Example: Convert 7/20 into a percent.
7 divided by 20 is 0.35
Multiply by 100
Gives answer - 35%
2.5% is converted following. percent means per 100. so 2.5/100 = 1/40 as its lowest fraction. get a calculator and divide 1 by 40 and you will get 0.025
To convert a percent to a fraction, divide the percent by 100.So for 240% becomes 240/100Then simplify the fraction, giving you:12/5
I guess you probably meant 17/25 for the fraction. To convert a fraction to percent, multiply by 100 and put on the % sign. 17/24 X 100% = 68%
Answer is: 68%
Multiply both numbers by five- to get the fraction 85/100... which is 85%
2.5% is converted following. percent means per 100. so 2.5/100 = 1/40 as its lowest fraction. get a calculator and divide 1 by 40 and you will get 0.025
You divide 2 by 3 on a calculator. You should get 66.666666.... so just say %66.66
To convert fractions to percents all you have to do is carry out the division. In this case it's 1317/4089. Plug that into your calculator and you'll get something like .32 To convert to a percent you multiply by one hundred, so if my guess was right it'd be 32%
If I understand this right, you want to know how to convert a fraction into a decimal with the aid of a calculator. This is usually done by pressing the fraction button on your calculator which changes it from a fraction to a decimal and vice versa.
You Divide the Numerator by the denominator
Divide the percent by 100 and then simplify the resulting fraction.
To convert a percent to a fraction, divide the percent by 100.So for 240% becomes 240/100Then simplify the fraction, giving you:12/5
(Numerator / denominator)* 100
Multiply it by 100
23% = 23/100 in fraction
57% = 57/100 in fraction