to convert a number into billions you simply divide the number by 1 billion (1,000,000,000), then you would write the word "billion" after the number.
Convert 189 to binary number
In binary numbers....5 = 1016 = 1108 = 1000
the formula to convert degrees to radiansangle in radians = angle in degrees * Pi / 180 .
114.5 million = 114,500,000
The Roman numerals of XL stand for 50-10 = 40
To Convert Billions to Millions as per US methodologies, please multiply the figure in Billions with 1000 and the resulting figure so obtained will be the one in Millions...
the trillions comes after the billions!
You cannot. A degree is a measure of angular separation (or temperature, or academic qualification), whereas a number in billions is just that: a pure number. You cannot convert a number into a measure of some characteristic.
10 digits are numbers in the billions.
US395467 million = US395.467 billion
Lakhs and Crores to Millions and Billions
As a number: 38,000,000,000