Move the decimal point one place to the left. Percent literally means per hundred, so 1 part per thousand is 0.1%, 10 parts per thousand is 1%, 100 parts per thousand is 10%, and 1000 parts per thousand is 100% or a whole.
1% equals 1 part per hundred, so it also equals 10 parts per thousand, 100 parts per ten thousand, 1000 parts per hundred thousand or 10000 parts per million
35/1000 = 3.5/100 = 3.5%
To calculate 3 percent of 300,000, you first convert 3 percent to a decimal by dividing by 100, which gives you 0.03. Then, you multiply 0.03 by 300,000 to find the answer. Therefore, 3 percent of 300,000 is 9,000.
3 / 8 x 100 = 37.5 per cent
5% equates to 50,000 ppm
1% equals 1 part per hundred, so it also equals 10 parts per thousand, 100 parts per ten thousand, 1000 parts per hundred thousand or 10000 parts per million
35/1000 = 3.5/100 = 3.5%
-- take the number of parts per thousand-- multiply it by 1,000-- the answer is the number of parts per million
ppm means parts per million; percent basically means parts per hundred. Therefore, to convert from ppm to percent you should divide by 10,000.
To convert 10% CO2 to parts per million (ppm) CO2, you need to multiply by 10,000. Therefore, 10% CO2 is equivalent to 100,000 ppm CO2.
Because the proportion of dissolved substances in seawater is such a small number, oceanographers typically express salinity in parts per thousand.
To convert 0.5 percent to parts per million (ppm), you multiply by 10,000. So, 0.5 percent is equal to 5,000 ppm.
64.5 percent is equal to 0.645 in decimal form or 645 parts per thousand in fractional form.
42 over 80 means 42 parts per 80. Percent means parts per 100. So, we need to convert the parts per 80 to parts per 100. Since 1.25 times 80 is 100, we can do this by multiplying the parts per 80 by 1.25. 1.25 times 42 is 52.5. Therefore, 42 over 80 equals 52.5 percent.
It is per ten thousand.