To convert a fraction to a decimal divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number). To convert a decimal (or fraction) to a percentage multiply it by 100 %.
convert it into a mixed number
To convert an improper fraction to a mixed number, divide the denominator into the numerator. The answer is the whole number. Put any remainder over the original denominator to create the fraction part.
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction. Any fraction can be expressed as a decimal by dividing the denominator into the numerator.
If you know how to turn a mixed number into a fraction and a fraction into a decimal do that then make it negative.
Convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction, multiply by the whole number, convert the answer back to a mixed fraction (if required).
To convert a fraction to a decimal divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number). To convert a decimal (or fraction) to a percentage multiply it by 100 %.
Since 126126 is a whole number, there is no need to convert it into a fraction.
You can convert any whole number to a fraction by putting it over one.
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction. Convert the whole number to a fraction with a common denominator. Proceed with the subtraction.
convert it into a mixed number
You do not do anything. An improper fraction IS a real number.
1.8333 times.
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction and proceed.
Convert the mixed number to a fraction and invert numerator and denominator
You take the bottom number and divided by the top number.
You can't. Improper and proper fractions are two different things. You can convert an improper fraction to a mixed number.