When rounding to a specific place, take a look at the digit immediately to the right of the target, in this case, the tens place. If that digit is 4 or less, zero everything to the right of the target out. If that digit is 5 through 9, increase the target by one and zero everything to the right of it out. If the target is a 9, increasing it will turn it to zero and increase the digit to the left of the target by one.
678 to the nearest cent is 678.00
686.98 rounded to the nearest whole number is 687. When rounding a decimal number to the nearest whole number, you look at the digit immediately to the right of the decimal point. If that digit is 5 or greater, you round the whole number up by 1. In this case, the digit to the right of the decimal point is 9, so we round 686.98 up to 687.
Well, darling, to find 33 and 1/3% of 678, you simply divide 678 by 3 to get one-third of the total. Then multiply that result by 33 to get the final answer. It's basic math, sugar, nothing to lose sleep over. Just grab a calculator and get 'er done!
678 is rounded nearest hundred is 700
It will round up to 700, as it is nearer than 600.
678 to the nearest cent is 678.00
678 is ' Six hundred and seventy eight'.
To answer this question, one would need to know to which place you are rounding.
678 500 000
To the nearest whole number, 678
Six hundred seventy-eight.