The best way (if you do not have a calculator) is to make both numbers whole numbers. To do this you need to move the decimal point in (1.302) three places to the right to make the number 1302.
Then you must do the same thing with the other number (0.56), making the number 560.
Then divide 1302 by 560
560 will go into 1302 two times with a remainder of 182
write down (2) and place a "." after it to give 2.
the add 0 to the remainder to give 1820 and divide that by 560
560 will go into 1820 three times with a remainder of 140
after the "." write down 3 to give (2.3)
add a 0 to the remainder to give 1400 and divide that by 560
560 will go into 1400 two times with a remainder 280
after the 2.3 write down 2 to give (2.32)
add 0 to the remainder to give 2800 and divide that by 560
560 will go into 2800 exactly 5 times with no remainder
after the 2.32 write down 5 to give (2.325)
This means that 560 will go into 1320 2.325 times and as you moved the decimal point the same direction by the same amount to get both numbers, it therefore follows that
1.302/0.56 = 2.325 too
.459 is bigger than .056
How a fraction changes when you divide it depends on what you divide it by.
to divide then a negative number!
There are 3 feet in one yard. Therefore, 1302 feet is equal to 1302/3 = 434 yards.
The LCM is 1302.
260/2 = 1301300/10 = 13013000/100 = 130520/4 = 130------There are a lot.alternatively the only numbers that divide wholly into130 are:1 x 1302 x 655 x 2610 x 13
.459 is bigger than .056
Signaal 1302 - 1960 TV is rated/received certificates of: Belgium:KT
July 11, 1302 would have been on a Tuesday.Reference: http:/
March 11, 1302 was a Saturday, if our date calculators for the current system work that far back. :)