Find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator and divide them both by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
To reduce a fraction to its simplest form, find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator and divide them both by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
To simplify a fraction, find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator and divide them both by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
You have to divide the fraction by each other then multiply by 100Find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator and divide them both by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form (lowest terms).
Divide the percentage by 100 as for example 75% as a fraction is 75/100 which is 3/4 in its simplest form
Divide both by 210/12 = 5/65/6
A fraction in simplest form is when you break down the fraction or divide it as far as you can without using the number 1 to divide it.
To put a fraction in its simplest form, find the GCF of the numerator and denominator and divide them both by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
To reduce a fraction to its simplest form, find the GCF of the numerator and denominator and divide them both by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is already in its simplest form.
To simplify a fraction, find the GCF of the numerator and denominator and divide them by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
Find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator and divide them both by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
Divide the numerator and denominator by their highest common factor to find the simplest form of a fraction
To put a fraction in simplest form , simply divide the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor(GCF) and the answer is its simplest form.
To reduce a fraction to its simplest form, divide the numerator and denominator by any common factors that they have besides ' 1 '.
Find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator and divide them both by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
Find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator and divide them both by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
Find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator and divide them both by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
To convert percents to fraction divide by 100 as for example 25% as a fraction is 25/100 = 1/4 in its simplest form.