i will go up to 20 1:un 2: deux 3:trois 4:quatre 5:cinq 6:six 7:sept 8:huit 9:neuf 10:Dix 11:onze 12:douze 13:treize 14:quartore 15:quinze 16:senze 17:dix-sept 18:dix-huit 19:dix-neuf 20:vingt
This number I've never seen before, it is not in the numbers up to a novemtrigintillion (that's a 1 with 120 zeros following it) that I know of. Perhaps you are referring to dix trillion, which is French for ten trillion (dix is French for 10).
irrational numbers odd numbers even numbers whole numbers prime numbers composite numbers counting numbers
There are no prime numbers that are square numbers
The set of rational numbers includes all whole numbers, so SOME rational numbers will also be whole number. But not all rational numbers are whole numbers. So, as a rule, no, rational numbers are not whole numbers.
the set of real numbers are the numbers which make the entire number system. they include all the different number systems like integers,rational numbers,irrational numbers,whole numbers & natural numbers.
what number system is used to write French numbers
No, counting in French involves using French numbers consistently. Mixing French words with English numbers does not count as counting in French. To count in French, you need to use the French words for all the numbers in a sequence.
One can learn French numbers online at various websites such as French Assistant. French Assistant have free French lessons and tests at the end to test your knowledge.
They aren't to the French....
Spanish and French numbers are not the same, but do sound alike. This is because they are both Romance Languages.
Random numbers
les nombres
It means numbers.
French Canadian French is the same as in France, it's just pronounced differently.
None. French is not spoken in any significant numbers in Argentina.