how to find simplest form is:
1. Find the GCF of the numerator and denominator
2. Divide the numerator and denominator by the GCF
4/41 is in its simplest form.
11/12 is in its simplest form.
It is 6 to 5 in its simplest form
0.76 as a fraction is 76/100. In simplest form it is 19/25. In its simplest form... 19/25
1/6 is the simplest form.
Simplest form
3/7 is in its simplest form.
1/4 is in its simplest form.
16/13 is in its simplest form.
no its not in simplest form.........the simplest form would be 1/3
3/8 is in its simplest form.
It is already in simplest form.
-- The simplest form of 17 is 17 . -- The simplest form of 23 is 23 .
71/15 is in its simplest form.
The simplest form is 10, exactly as in the question.The simplest form is 10, exactly as in the question.The simplest form is 10, exactly as in the question.The simplest form is 10, exactly as in the question.
1/3 is the simplest form.1/3 is the simplest form.1/3 is the simplest form.1/3 is the simplest form.