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Q: How do you draw a 5 inch square on the screen using a pseudo code?
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How do you display the square root symbol on output screen using C Plus Plus?

The the square root symbol can be displayed by using ASCII code cout<<"press alt251"; pressing alt251 "��"

How is the square root sign used in pseudo code?

Usually, in code, the square root symbol is denoted as: sqrt() where the number inside the square root is written inside the brackets. For example, if you wanted the square root of 64, write: sqrt(64)

Why is pseudo code called false code?

Pseudo code cannot be processed by a machine, it is solely intended for processing by humans.

How do you write pesudo code?

Pseudo-code is not real code insofar as there is no standard and no compilers or interpreters that can reliably convert pseudo-code into machine code. It is a free-form language used for illustrative purposes only. Pseudo-code is typically used to express algorithms using a program-like language that can be easily adapted to any specific language. The choice of wording is entirely up to the author but must be used consistently and in an easy-to-understand manner, using concepts that are common across all languages including structured loops, control statements and functions. Anyone with any programming experience should be able to easily convert pseudo-code into real code without any major difficulty.

How does pseudo code operate?

It doesn't. Pseudo code isn't a programming language, it is just there to give an idea of how you could write a program.

Is there an absolute 'right' and 'wrong' way of writing pseudo code?

No. There is no "right way" and "wrong way" of writing pseudo code, let alone qualifying with "absolute". However, a pseudo code is "wrong" if it cannot be understood, or it is incorrect in semantic (what the code tries to describe, solve, etc)

What is the basic Difference between flow chart and pseudo-code?

what's the difference between flow chart and structure diagrams and pseudo code

What are the pseudocode keywords for loop?

Pseudo code does not have key words, you make it up, that's why it is pseudo.

What is pseudo code algorithm for create a linked list with a header and insert a four numbers to the list?

pseudo code algorithm to create a linked list

How can i write pseudo code for C plus plus if i haven't even wrote the program yet?

You are going about this backwards. First, define the program. Second, describe its algorithm. Third, if needed, write pseudo code. (Sometime, algorithm and pseudo code is the same process.) Fourth, or third, write real code.

What is the difference of source code object code and pseudo code?

Source code is a sequence of executable instructions written in a particular language. Pseudo code is a sequence of non-executable instructions. It is also called algorithm written in plain English

What is pseudo code in c?

Writing in pseudo code means writing in a natural language, not in any specific programming language, so there is no thing as "pseudo-code used in C" as opposed to "pseudo-code used in Java".When you write in pseudo-code, you don't have to follow any specific syntactic rules, just to describe the steps you will use in your algorithm.For example, pseudo-code for bubble sort (taken from wikipedia):procedure bubbleSort( A : list of sortable items ) do swapped = false for each i in 1 tolength(A) - 1 inclusive do: if A[i-1] > A[i] then swap( A[i-1], A[i] ) swapped = true end ifend for while swapped end procedureIt is not written in any programming language, but it should be easy to implement this in any language after you understand the idea from the pseudo-code.