Subtract their numerators providing that they both have the same denominators.
It would've been better if you had some examples. There are infinite numbers of fractions
massive is a synonym to large or big, simply a fancier way of saying large.
Stupid question the diffrance is that a timer is small a counter is big timers are used for time counters are used like desk did is answer it
YES. Not a big difference, but there is a difference. When someone says, "love you." They mean it playfully. Like, love ya. Like your saying it to your best friend or something along those lines... When someone says, "I love you," it means they actually love you. They can't stop thinking about you. Yanno?
Actually you really need to know height of the area, too since you are trying to heat or cool xxx number of cubic feet. the difference between an 8ft, 10ft, 12ft or higher ceiling will make a BIG difference.
There is no difference; they are synonyms.
A big difference
There is not a big difference between a Big Muff with tone wick and a original Big Muff. The only difference is the color.
the difference is this is small and that is big
The difference between brand position and a big idea is how a given advertising idea is placed.
It's like when you find equivalent fractions. They are equal. You can find out because if you simplify the big one, you will get the small one
It's not a very big difference but an iPad 3 is way better.
Eg.There is a big difference between night and day / everyone dresses differently
The big bang is a one off, the big bounce is cyclic.
The dodge big horn is a special edition ram. No true difference.
The difference between a big hotel and a small hotel is the amount of rooms that they have. The amount of staff and the size of the building are also differences.
those are big words