The GCF of 64, 80, and 96 is 16.
The GCF is 16.
The GCF of 48, 60, and 96 is 12.
To find the greatest common factor (GCF) of 64, 80, and 96, we must first find the prime factorization of each number. 64 = 2^6, 80 = 2^4 * 5, and 96 = 2^5 * 3. The GCF is the product of the common prime factors raised to the lowest power they appear in any of the numbers, which in this case is 2^4 = 16. Therefore, the GCF of 64, 80, and 96 is 16.
The GCF is 16.
The GCF is 16.
The GCF of 96 and 48 are 24.
The same as the GCF of 96 and 48. 48 is the remainder of the division of 336 / 96.
The GCF is 12.
The GCF is 16.
Since 48 is a factor of 96, it is automatically the GCF.
The GCF is 12.
The GCF is 48.
The GCF of 48, 64 and 96 is 16.
The GCF is 48.
GCF(80, 96, 80) = 16.
the gcf for 48 64 and 96 is 2