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Q: How do you import javax.servlet in netbeans 6.8?
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How do you add import packages to a java program in netbeans?

package thisPackage; import otherPackage.*; class myClass { }

Import from forbidden package netbeans 6.1?

all classes from the sun.* package are marked as forbidden

What is Netbeans?

Netbeans Link

Is NetBeans a framework?

No, Netbeans is an integrated development environment (IDE).

How do you insert a picture from netbeans 6.5?

By using the html code we can able to insert the imagein netbeans.

How do we add the C plus plus category in Netbeans?

To use C++ in Netbeans you will need a C++ compiler.

Do you need netbeans to create java applets for your website?

No, you just need to know how to type manually the code. Netbeans, instead, can type the code for your.

What is the best IDE for java Netbeans or Eclipse?

Off course Netbeans... Netbeans is supported by Sun.. i.e. that every new feature in Java is done immediately by Netbeans unlike Eclipse... No...? I beg to defer :) Eclipse is a better IDE based on which many of the advanced IDE's for Java are build like WSAD (Websphere Studio Application Developer) or RAD (Rational Application Developer) both are IBM products for advanced Java programming. They contain many features that Netbeans does not have..

What is the purpose of Projects in Netbeans?

To organise scripts.

What is difference between bean builder and net-beans?

it is same .. the new name is NetBeans plz download it from oracle website ..!! another beanbox is also netbeans ....

How do you do programming in netbeans?

you cannot do it. [Creator:NetBeans IDE 7.1.2]

How do you install Netbeans on Windows 8?

Netbeans provides installers for all major platforms including Windows (both 32-bit and 64-bit). Download the appropriate installer and then run it.