

How do you increase your motabolism?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: How do you increase your motabolism?
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How do you grow taller by eating?

You have to have a fast motabolism.

Why are some girls naturally slim?

It is probably because they have a fast motabolism.

Are girls naturally heavier than guys?

Yes, and guys have higher motabolism than girls do.

Energy motabolism in relation with cardiovascular system?

The cardiovascular system in the human body is involved in energy metabolism by pumping blood throughout the body, which in turn burns energy stored in the body, which in turn speeds up a body's metabolism.

How does eating unhealthy food effect children's lifestyles?

It effects the kids, because of there motabolism, if their motabolism is not fast,, then they will get fat, also, when they get used to eating all those fats, and unhealthy food, they willl get fat, and become a greater risk of obese

Why do boys hate girls with slow metabolisms?

Well I wouldnt say they hate them they just arent attracted to them on first sight. Naturally a boy wants to find the best and healthiest mate possible for the best of there chid so aboy wouldnt be attracted to someone with a slow motabolism because It wouldnt be good for the child, the other reason is because a slow motabolism is a way of knowing that a girl eats alot of junkfood for example pepsi,chips,chocolat ect which slow down your motabolism and then you get fat quicker.

Why is it unwise to eat before excercising?

because when you eat before exercise , it may cause you to throw up . you will not burn fat , you are INCREASING your motabolism .

Why do organisms that eat goats contain less energy from the goats than the goats obtain from the plants they eat?

use enegy for their own motabolism!

Are there any medically proven benefits to using steam showers?

Yes, steam showers open our pores so our skin can excrete toxins and dirt, increases blood circulation, and can help clear sinuses and nasal passages to help us breath more easily. They also reduce stress and increase motabolism.

How does one speed up their motabolism?

your metabolism can be sped up by eating 4 or 5 very small meals per day at equal intervals.

What is a sentence for the word motabolism?

Metabolism is the process by which your body breaks down food and converts it into energy.

Why do you gain weight when you stop eat?

You gain weight when you stop eating because your body begins to think its starving. Your motabolism slows to keep weight on. And anything you eat your body trys to keep the fat out of it.