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Q: How do you input 3 subjects and print percentage grade?
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How do you prepare a program in basic to display the word and the number of letters in it when is given as input?

10 cls 20 input"enter word";word$ 30 print word$ 40 print len(word$) 50 end this program is for GW BASIC for other BASIC's the line numbers are optional.

Write an algorithm to print first 10 multiples of 5?

Step1 : Start Step2 : Input N=5 Step3 : Tnput T=1 to 10 Step4 : Print M=N*T Step5 : End Where T is table and N is

How do make 10student name and his remarks in q-basic?

' '*** PROGRAM: Collecting student data: names/marks. ' '*** Create 2 array variables to store each students name/marks... DIM students$(10), marks$(10) '*** SCREEN ONE/Collect the data... CLS '...(CL)ear the Output (S)creen '*** print heading... PRINT "PROGRAM: Collecting each student names/marks..." PRINT '*** A FOR/NEXT loop is used to collect each individual students data... FOR eachStudentNo% = 1 TO 10 '*** Get each students names/marks 'by typing these values in from the keyboard.... PRINT eachStudentNo%; ">" INPUT " Enter student name"; students$(eachStudentNo%) INPUT "Enter student marks"; marks$(eachStudentNo%) NEXT '*** SCREEN TWO: Output the collected data... CLS '...(CL)ear the Output (S)creen '*** Print headings... PRINT "Student No.", "Student Name", "Student Marks" PRINT '*** FOR/NEXT loop is used to print out the 2 array student 'name/marks' values... FOR eachStudentNo% = 1 TO 10 '*** print out each students 'number/name/mark' values... PRINT eachStudentNo%, PRINT students$(eachStudentNo%), PRINT marks$(eachStudentNo%) NEXT END '...END of program/halt program code execution

How do you find prime no in gwbasic program?

10 input "enter a no."; n 20 for i = 1 to n 30 if n mod i = 0 then c = c +1 40 next i 50 if c = 2 then print "prime number" else print "not a prime number" 60 end

Write program that read an integer and display all its smallest factors?

All the smallest factors of a number must be its smallest factor, which for any number is 1, so: loop loop loop print "Enter an integer number: ": input n until num(n) do print "Please enter a number" repeat until n = int(n) do print "Please enter an integer" repeat print "Smallest factor of ":n:" is 1" repeat

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How do you write a program in qbasic to input marks of 10 students in 5 subjects and display the average of each students?

DIM grade(6), lowGrade(5), testName$(6), seq$(6) seq$(1) = "first " seq$(2) = "second" seq$(3) = "third " seq$(4) = "fourth" seq$(5) = "fifth " grLetter$ = "ABCD" begin: COLOR 7, 0 CLS PRINT "Test averaging program" PRINT "======================" PRINT PRINT "Lets enter some basic info before we get started .." PRINT FOR ix% = 1 TO 4 PRINT "enter a number (1-100) that you consider to be the lowest "; MID$(grLetter$, ix%, 1); INPUT lowGrade(ix%) PRINT STRING$(78, "-") NEXT ix% enterTests: COLOR 7, 0 CLS LINE INPUT "Enter student name or / to end program: "; name$ IF name$ = "/" THEN CLS END END IF LINE INPUT "Enter student age : "; age$ age% = VAL(age$) PRINT STRING$(78, "=") FOR ix% = 1 TO 5 PRINT "Enter the subject name for the "; seq$(ix%); " test: "; LINE INPUT testName$(ix%) LINE INPUT "Enter the grade for this test (1-100): "; grade$ grade(ix%) = VAL(grade$) PRINT STRING$(78, "-") NEXT ix% CLS displayReport: COLOR 7, 0 CLS GOSUB computeAverage PRINT "Test Average Report for "; name$ PRINT PRINT "Age is "; age$ IF (age% >= 25) = 0 THEN COLOR 6, 0 PRINT " ** Student is underage **" END IF COLOR 7, 0 stuGrade = average GOSUB determineAthruF PRINT "Test average is"; PRINT USING "###.##"; average PRINT "This is a grade of "; grade$ IF grade$ = "F" THEN COLOR 4, 0 PRINT "** Student did not pass **" END IF COLOR 7, 0 PRINT PRINT "Test Summary (those in "; COLOR 4, 0 PRINT "red"; COLOR 7, 0 PRINT " are failing)" PRINT FOR ix% = 1 TO 5 COLOR 7, 0 stuGrade = grade(ix%) GOSUB determineAthruF rptName$ = SPACE$(25) MID$(rptName$, 1) = testName$(ix%) IF grade$ = "F" THEN COLOR 4, 0 END IF PRINT rptName$, grade$, PRINT USING "###.##"; stuGrade NEXT ix% COLOR 7, 0 PRINT LINE INPUT "Do you wish to average another student (Y/N) "; yn$ yn$ = UCASE$(yn$) IF yn$ = "Y" THEN GOTO enterTests END IF END computeAverage: total = 0 FOR ix% = 1 TO 5 total = total + grade(ix%) NEXT ix% average = total / 5 RETURN determineAthruF: IF stuGrade >= lowGrade(4) THEN grade$ = "D" IF stuGrade >= lowGrade(3) THEN grade$ = "C" IF stuGrade >= lowGrade(2) THEN grade$ = "B" IF stuGrade >= lowGrade(1) THEN grade$ = "A" END IF END IF END IF ELSE grade$ = "F" END IF RETURN

What is the meaning of print and input in idle python?

"print" will output a value onto the screen for a user to see. "input" or "raw_input" gets a user's input.

What is the program to input name and print pass or fail?

Input "enter name" ;n$ input "enter marks" ; m ifm > 40 then print n$, "pass" else print n$, "fail"

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INSTALL @lib$+"FNUSING" REPEAT PRINT "Press 1 for RATES" PRINT "Press 2 for CONVERTER" PRINT "Press 3 for EXIT" INPUT "Enter the number for the converter: " mode% REM Rates IF mode%=1 THEN PRINT "Press 1 for euro rate" PRINT "Press 2 for usa dollar rate" PRINT "Press 3 for japanese yen rate" PRINT "Press 4 for british pounds rate" INPUT "Enter currency: " choice% CASE choice% OF WHEN 1:INPUT "Enter rate for EURO to GBP" EURtoGBPrate# INPUT "Enter rate for EURO to YEN" EURtoYENrate# INPUT "Enter rate for EURO to USD" EURtoUSDrate# WHEN 2:INPUT "Enter rate for USD to EURO" USDtoEUROrate# INPUT "Enter rate for USD to YEN" USDtoYENrate# INPUT "Enter rate for USD to GBP" USDtoGBPrate# WHEN 3:INPUT "Enter rate for YEN to EURO" YENtoEUROrate# INPUT INPUT WHEN 4:INPUT INPUT INPUT ENDCASE ENDIF REM Convert IFmode%=2 THEN PRINT "Press 1 for euro converter" PRINT "Press 2 for japanese yen converter" PRINT "Press 3 for usa dollar converter" PRINT "Press 4 for british pounds converter" INPUT "Enter the number for the converter: " choice% CASE choice% OF WHEN 1: PRINT "You chose option 1 for euro converter" WHEN 2: PRINT "You chose option 2 for japanese yen converter" WHEN 3: PRINT "You chose option 3 for usa dollar converter" WHEN 4: PRINT "You chose option 4 for british pounds converter" ENDCASE PRINT FNusing("##.##",.15) PRINT "The amount that you want to covert" PRINT "Enter the amount that you want to convert" ENDIF UNTIL mode% = 3

Plus 1 blue print for chemistry?

i want plus 1 blue print for all subjects

Blue print for tenth matric?

all subjects blue print for 10th matric board exam

How do you print primary and secondary classes?

by input class

How can we find percentage's in QBASIC?

this is nested if statement cls input"enter percent age of marks:" ,x if x>=50 and x>=100 then print"first division" elseif x>=50 and x< 60 then print"second division" elseif x>=33 and x<50 then print"third division" else print"fail" endif

To display an input string vertically by c?

// get input char input[256]; gets(input); // print one character on each line int i; for(i = 0; input[i] != '\0'; ++i) { printf("%c\n", input[i]); }

What is the purpose of print strings in python?

It means that python will print(or write out) a value you input.

Where can I print 4th grade worksheets for school? allows you print worksheets by subject and grade level. Try this link for some 4th grade math worksheets: