it is larger than a baby
If the numerator is larger than the denominator.
0.65 is larger than 0.6. As you approach 1.0, the decimal becomes larger. For example, 0.7 is larger than 0.6; 0.8 is larger than 0.7, etc.
Seems to me that 14 of anything is larger than 6 of the same thing.Let me know if this turns out to be wrong.
wow, you seriously don't know?
London is bigger than Paris.
i dont know sorri
yes it con be you should know that by now
i love you and i dont know the answer to this question
Yes 0.26 is larger than 0.026 by 0.234. You can easily tell because there is a zero in the tenths place in 0.026 and there is a two in the tenths place in 0.26 and 2 is larger than 0 so you know that 0.26 is larger.
The atomic mass is greater.
Deci- means tenth of Centi means hundredth of so you know from fractions a tenth is larger than a hundredth, so a decimeter is larger.