Convert 216/7 into mixed fraction
It is 5 and 43/100 as a mixed number
A whole number and a fraction make up a mixed number as for example 2 and 3/5
Stick a whole number and a fraction together and there you have it. 3 and 1/4 is a mixed number.
216 over 7 as a mixed number = 306/7
Convert 216/7 into mixed fraction
Ans: 70 That is 306 + 70 =376
You can make a mixed number with a whole number and a fraction. Ex. 1 3/4 is a mixed number.
3.034 as a mixed number is ???
Since the number lies between 0 and 1 you cannot make it a mixed number.
There are many answers to this question, here are a few 1 x 306 = 306 2 x 153 = 306 10 x 36 = 306 20 x 18 = 306
It is: 1.9 = 1 and 9/10 as a mixed number
It is 5 and 43/100 as a mixed number
036 if leading 0s are permitted, 306 otherwise.
A whole number and a fraction make up a mixed number as for example 2 and 3/5
Every mixed number is more than ' 1 '. 0.04 is less than ' 1 '. There's nothing you can do to 0.04 to make a mixed number out of it.