A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 45, exactly as in the question.
45 percent as a fraction is 45/100 or 9/20. 45 percent as a decimal is 0.45.
45 divided by 15 is 3. Three 15s make 45 so she spend 1/3 (fraction), 0.33 (decimal), 33% (percent), of her money
45/100 as a fraction in its simplest form = 9/20 45/100 as a decimal = 0.45
45/125 = 45 ÷ 125 = 0.36
45% = 0.45 in decimal
to figure out 45% of 540 first you must make 45% into a decimal so move the decimal(45.%) over to the left 2 so it becomes .45 then multiply 540 times .45 if you did the math then you would get the answer 243.00 or 243
30/66 in decimal form is 45.'45'% recurring decimal '45'
3 as a decimal is 3.0 16/45 as a decimal is 0.3555... (repeating)
45 percent as a fraction is 45/100 or 9/20. 45 percent as a decimal is 0.45.
3 divided by 45 works out to be 6.666666666666666666666666666667 in decimal.
11*15/45 = 0.33... recurring. You could simplify 15/45 to 1/3 if you wanted.
45 = 45/1 or 45.0