0.857142 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is 857142/1000000 which cannot be simplified.
0.857142 as a fraction = 857142/10000000.857142 * 1000000/1000000 = 857142/1000000
It is: 3.21 = 321/100 as an improper fraction
56.87 a fraction = 5687/10056.87 * 100/100 = 5687/100 in fraction
6.9 into a fraction = 69/106.9 = 6.9 * 10/10 = 69/10 in fraction
Fraction basically means "part of". You can't make a fraction out of one number only.
0.857142 as a fraction = 857142/10000000.857142 * 1000000/1000000 = 857142/1000000
It is: 42.'857142'% recurring decimal '857142'
It is: 62.'857142'% recurring '857142' or rounded up to 63%
0.857142 is already a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction.In rational form, it is 428571/500000.
It is: 3/7 times 100/1 = 42.'857142'% recurring '857142'
It is: 3/7 times 100/1 = 42.'857142'% recurring decima; '857142'
It is: 19/28 times 100/1 = 67.'857142'% recurring decimal '857142'
Each interior angle measures 162.'857142' degrees recurring '857142'