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positivetimes negative equals negative

neg. times neg. equals pos.

pos.pos. equals pos.

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Q: How do you multiply a whole number by a negative number?
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Can a negative number be simplified?

No, a negative number cannot be simplified because it is a whole number. Therefore, you can only multiply, divide, subtract, and add it.

How do you divide a negative fraction by a whole number?

-> Keep the same numerator.-> Multiply the denominator by the whole number, and make that the new denominator.-> Keep the negative sign before the fraction.You have the answer.

When you multiply a positive number by ba negative one what is the sign of the answer?

when you multiply a positive number by a negative number it is a negative. if u multiply a negative by a negative then it is positive

What do you get when you multiply a positive by a negative number?

When you multiply a positive number by a negative number you always get a negative number.

What is negative 9 times negative 3 over 2?

27/2. Just multiply the whole number by the numerator.

How do you multiply a negative number by a negative number?

multiply the numbers together and the sign is positive , as a negative times a negative is a positive

Multiply a positive number by a negative number what is the answer?

A negative number.

When you multiply 1 integer by another integerthat is a whole number but not a counting number what is the product?

It is still an integer, which could be negative or positive.

How do you turn a negative number to a whole number?

You do nothing. A negative number is a whole number.

What does a negative multiply by a negative do?

A negative number multiplied by a negative number will result in a positive answer.

What are any of the whole numbers or negative numbers?

6 is a whole number -47.03 is a negative number -179 is a negative whole number

When you multiply a positive number by a negative number which is the sign of the answer?

its a negative