Change the fraction part into a decimal. If the decimal is great than or equal to 0.5, round the whole number up. If it is lower, than drop the fraction altogether.
Ex: 6 2/3
2/3 = .666
.666 > .5
6 2/3 rounded to the nearest whole number is 7.
Whole numbers can't be mixed numbers.
It contains whole number plus fraction of 1, so its a mixed number.
A number can be called either a mixed number or a mixed fraction when it is a whole number with a fraction.
How do you write 920% as a fraction, mixed number or whole number?
You don't. Mixed numbers and whole numbers are separate things.
If the fraction part of the mixed number is less than 1/2, round down. If it's 1/2 or greater, round up.
to make it a whole number you need to round it... 9 would be the whole number. as a mixed number it would be 8 8/15
7.3333 is a mixed number in decimal form and there is no sensible way to represent it as a whole number. The whole part of it is 7.
It can't be one, but you could round down to 4, which is the nearest whole number.
No. A mixed number is a whole number and a fraction.
A mixed number is made up of a whole number and a fraction.
It is often a fraction but can be a mixed or whole number.
Some people find it easier to add or subtract whole numbers but yes, you could round to the nearest half.
I assume in your question you are asking what happens when a number is in between two whole numbers. E.G 4 and 5 the middle is 4.5 If you wanted to round this up to 1 significant figure or an integer/whole number the rule is that if in the middle you always round up to the highest number. In the case of the example the answer would be 5 if you were to round it up.
A mixed number
105% is equivalent to a mixed fraction. The nearest whole number is 1.105% is equivalent to a mixed fraction. The nearest whole number is 1.105% is equivalent to a mixed fraction. The nearest whole number is 1.105% is equivalent to a mixed fraction. The nearest whole number is 1.
A mixed number is when you have an whole number beside a proper