No difference - same as 5.0000 kg or 0005.0 kg or 0000005 kg and so on.
Well, honey, 3.04 is written as "three point zero four." It's as simple as that, no need to complicate things. Just say it like you mean it and move on with your fabulous self.
0.054 written in words is fifty-four thousandths
0.12 in words is written zero point one two or you could have written twelve hundredths
Three hundred and thirty thousand written in words is "three hundred thirty thousand." This number is composed of three parts: three hundred (300), thirty (30), and thousand (000). When combined, they form the numerical value of 330,000.
0000005 = 5
Two hundred-thousandths.
Twenty-five millionths.
No difference - same as 5.0000 kg or 0005.0 kg or 0000005 kg and so on.
Three and sixty-three hundredths.
The number 10.20 is written in words as "ten point two zero".
The correct way to say it is eighty and four hundred fifty three thousandths.
Standard form:h+3 written in words: h added to three
Eighty and four hundred fifty-three thousandths.
Using the right words - leaves the reader in no doubt of what the writer is trying to say.