To convert a percentage to a fraction, you divide the percentage by 100 and simplify if possible. In this case, 16.5 percent is equal to 16.5/100. To simplify this fraction, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by 0.5 to get 33/200. Therefore, 16.5 percent as a fraction is 33/200.
It will become 27 over 100.
Nope, it is already simplified.
Do the division. 33.33 divided by 100 = 0.3333
simplify 340/200 would be the 1/7. This is a fraction in the lowest term.
100 cause we simplify 50 % into 1/2 which is half of 200 is 100
"Percent" means "out of 100", so to convert a percentage to a fraction put it over 100 and simplify: 27.5% = 27.5/100 = 55/200 = 11/40
No, it cannot.
81/200 is in its simplest terms
11 over 25
100/250 = 2/5