You do the numerator divided by the denominator, then simplify the fractions if you can. (this is how you change a improper fraction to a mixed number, you cannot change a proper fraction to a mixed number)
"7" is a prime number. But you can simplify 7/14, 7/21,/7/28, and so on. Answer: If the denominator is also a multiple of the prime number, then the fraction can be simplified; otherwise, it cannot. To simplify any fraction, the numerator and denominator must have a factor in common, as in the examples above.
To find the fraction of 48 seconds in 1 minute, we need to convert both time values to the same units. Since there are 60 seconds in 1 minute, we can express 48 seconds as 48/60. Simplifying this fraction gives us 4/5. Therefore, 48 seconds is 4/5 or 0.8 of 1 minute.
42/48 = 7/8
Yes because 48/72 = 2/3
12/48= (12/12)/(48/12)= 1/4
To simplify a fraction, you find a number that can be divided by the fraction you are simplifying. sometimes this does not always work and the fraction can not be simplified.
0.0048 = 48/10000 which you can simplify - if you so wish.
You divide the top number by the bottom number, so if the fraction was 5/15s, it could simplify to 1/3.
48 and 18 are both integers and so is their sum. You do not need any fractions.
divide both numbers by 12, and you get 3/4
You can simplify an improper fraction, unless the numbers are prime. Simplify it like how you would regularly, but don't forget that you can always turn it into a mixed number.
As a fraction, the number becomes 1953125 / 100000000. We can simplify it to 5 / 256.
Divide numerator and denominator by 4.48/4 = 12/1 = 12