Whatever your salary is you simply divide it by 100 to find 1%, then you multiply 1% by 4 to find 4% and then you deduct that figure from your original salary.
If you current salary of $24,000 increases by 4%, your new salary will be $24,960.
Multiply the number by 0.75
Two ways to solve this problem: 1. Think of 25% as the same as 1/4. Divide 10.00 by 4 and get $2.50. Subtract that $2.50 from $10.00 to obtain the final answer. 2. 25% is .25 when you remove the % sign. Multiply $10.00 times .25. The answer is again, $2.50. Subtract $2.50 from $10.00 to obtain the final answer.
Multiply your current salary by 1.025 times.
You can either convert the decimal to a fraction and then subtract (3/4 - 0.5 = 3/4 - 2/4 = 1/4), OR you can convert the fraction to a decimal and then subtract (3/4 - 0.5 = 0.75 - 0.5 = 0.25).
If you current salary of $24,000 increases by 4%, your new salary will be $24,960.
75 percent subtract 80 = -5
i) If salary is less than 10,000 then no tax deduction and 4% of salary will be deducted as Well-fare fund every month.
'Percent off' means you calculate the percent, then subtract from the original amount. So 24 percent of 995.00 = 238.80, then subtract from 995.00 to get 756.20
The difference = 100%.
Well, you subtract 10% to 6% which is 4%. Now identify 1% by putting two decimal places to the left which is $2. Multiply that to 4 and you get $8. Subtract is by $200. The answer is $192.00.
Multiply the number by 0.75
13%% of 339 = 0.0013*339 = 0.4407 To subtract 13 %% from 339 = 339 - 0.4407 = 338.5593
First you calculate 40% of the original price, which is .4 times original price. Then you subtract that number from the original price to get 40% off. For example, if a pair of shoes originally costs $10 but is 40% off, then you would calculate .4 x 10, which is 4, then subtract 4 from 10, which is 6. So 40 percent off of 10 is 6.
Divide your number by 4 and subtract the result from the original number. 149.98 - 149.98 / 4 = 149.98 * .75 = 112.485