33%:= 0.33 in decimal= 33/100 in fraction
33%, as a fraction is 33/100 as a fraction and 0.33 as a decimal.
33 is what percent of 3300= 33 / 3300= 0.01Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.01 * 100 = 1%
33% = 0.33 and 33/100
33 1/3% = 33.33% = 0.333
The decimal equivalent of 33 percent is: 0.33
33%:= 0.33 in decimal= 33/100 in fraction
First, turn 33% into a decimal by dividing it by 100%. Then, multiply that number with 209 0.33 x 209 = 68.97
33% = 0.33
33%, as a fraction is 33/100 as a fraction and 0.33 as a decimal.
You turn a fraction into a decimal by dividing the top number by the bottom. And you turn a decimal into a percent by multiplying the decimal by 100.
The decimal for 33 1/3 % is 0.3333333333333333... (the 3's are recurring - it is an infinite decimal).
you have 2 turn the percent into a decimal the you can easily turn the decimal into a fraction
To turn decimal to a percent; simply multiply the given decimal to 100%. Example: 0.25 to percent = 0.25 * 100% = 25%
33 is what percent of 3300= 33 / 3300= 0.01Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.01 * 100 = 1%