Multiply the whole number to 100%.
you turn the decimal into a fraction then you turn the fraction into a whole number and add a percent sign
15% = 0.15
10 percent can't become a whole number.
36 percent is a number between 0 and 1. It is not and cannot be represented as a whole number.
Multiply the whole number to 100%.
you turn the decimal into a fraction then you turn the fraction into a whole number and add a percent sign
Put it over 100!
You have to turn the percentage into a decimal.
Take your percent, 41% and move the decimal two places, right to turn it into a "whole number". Your answer is 0.41
To convert a percent to a decimal, divide by 100: 15 / 100 = 0.15
13% is a fraction and you cannot represent it as a whole number. You can convert it to a whole number by adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing (or other operations) but that would not be the same number then.
15 percent as a whole number = 0.15 ; thus it can't be converted to a whole number.
15% = 0.15
To turn a number into a percent is multiply it by 100 and you get your percent.
It is already a whole #
10 percent can't become a whole number.