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You can use them not only in maths but also in general typing too. In maths, greater than shows that one side has a larger value than the other. For example: 6 > 2, this says that 6 is greater than 2. The same applies for less than. For example: 1 < 7, this says that 1 is less than 7. A way to remember which is which is that the greater number has the greater gap between the lines in the symbol. As for general typing, they can be used to indicate arrows like this: ---> or like this: >>>>. These can also be used in algebra, for example if "2x > 10" you can divide both sides by 2 to get "x > 5". I hope this helped!

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If the question is how do you remember which one is which, here are two possible methods: 1. The height of the symbol is smaller at the pointy end than it is at the "open" end. So the smaller, pointy end points towards the smaller number. 2. "<" looks a bit like the letter L for "is Less than".

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Q: How do you use greater than and smaller than signs?
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What does less than or greater than mean?

it means the signs you use in math. less than &lt;. greater than &gt;

How can you tell when to use the greater than sign and the less than signs and in math?

If the two sides of the equation are unequal, you need the greater than or the less than sign instead of the equal sign. If the left side is less, use the less than sign. Otherwise, use the greater than sign.

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No. The sign you will use is going to be the sign with the greater absolute value.

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If the first fraction is greater than the second, use &gt; If the first fraction is less than the second, use &lt; If the first fraction is equal to the second, use = Other possibilities include greater than or equal to and less than or equal to which are created by placing the greater than or less than signs on top of the equals sign.

How do you make the greater than or less than symbol on the computer?

They are keys on the keyboard. Use "&lt;" for less than and use "&gt;" for greater than.

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You use the "greater than" symbol, &gt; .

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The arrow always points to the lower number. 1&lt;2 2&gt;1 Imagine the signs as mouths, they always eat the bigger ones.

Where are the greater than equal signs on ti-84 for graphs?

Press 2ND TEST (above MATH). Then use the left or right arrow key to select LOGIC at the top of the screen.

how can we tell if one number is greater than another number?

When comparing the values of two numbers, you can use a number line to determine which number is greater. The number on the right is always greater than the number on the left. In the example below, you can see that 14 is greater than 8 because 14 is to the right of 8 on the number line.

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To write &quot;5 is greater than 9&quot; in a mathematical expression, you would use the &quot;&gt;&quot; symbol, which represents &quot;greater than.&quot; Therefore, the expression would be written as &quot;5 &gt; 9.&quot; This statement is false because 5 is not greater than 9; in fact, 9 is greater than 5.

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What is the sighn for greater than?

The sign for greater than is &gt; To be used in the way that x is greater than y, x &gt; y. Alternatively you could use &lt; and do the reverse, y &lt; x.