To weigh a whale, scientists typically use a method called "biopsy darting," where a small tissue sample is taken from the whale using a dart. This sample can provide valuable information about the whale's health and genetics. Additionally, researchers may also use aerial photogrammetry, which involves taking detailed photographs of the whale from above to estimate its size and weight. These methods allow scientists to gather important data about whale populations without causing harm to the animals.
Well, isn't that a fun question! Weighing a whale can be quite a challenge since they're so big and live in the water. Scientists use special techniques like aerial surveys and underwater acoustic technology to estimate a whale's weight. It's amazing to see how creative and resourceful we can be when trying to learn more about these magnificent creatures.
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Pizzazz means oomph or liveliness or flamboyance. it also is a math paper
There are many "Did you hear about...." questions in the Pre-Algebra with Pizzazz book.
the blue whale can weigh up to 30 elephants!
A blue whale can weigh 200 tons (181,437 kilograms).
Depends on the whale. Blue whales weigh 6000 lbs for instance.
about a 100,000 pounds
The largest whale on record is the blue whale is that of 115 feet and weighing 136 tons. Average whale sizes: Orca whales can measure 32 feet and weigh 10 tons. Blue whales can measure 106 feet and weigh 176 tons. Finback whales can measure 82 feet and weigh 79 tons. Sei whale can measure 51 feet and weigh 30 tons. Right whale can measure 50 feet and weigh 110 tons. Humpback whale can measure 52.5 feet and weigh 50 tons. Sperm whale can measure 59 feet and weigh 44 tons. Grey whale can measure 36 feet and weigh 35.5 tons. Pilot whale can measure 20.3 feet and weigh 3 tons.
If i was you, i would weigh it in grams.
a blue whale can weigh up to 150 tons ( 136,000 kg ) .
Blue whales are the largest whale species and the largest animal on the planet. Blue whales can weigh close to 400,000 pounds.
the weight of a hump back whale is 177metric tons
A very big sperm whale can weigh twenty tones.
That would depend on the species of whale.
Blue whale. A blue whale's tongue can weigh as much as an elephant, making it the largest and heaviest tongue in the animal kingdom.