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It has more than two factors.

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Q: How do you work out 152 as a composite number?
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Is 152 a prime number or composite?

It is composite

Is the number 152 a prime composite or neither?

It is composite

Is 152 a composite?

Yes. All whole numbers greater than two and ending in 2 are composite.

How do you work out composite numbers?

If a number has more than two factors, it's composite.

What is number 152 in the pokedex?

Number 152 is Rotom on platinum :)

What are three composite numbers between 150-160?

152, 153, 154

Pokemon number 152 in platinum?

= 152

What Pokemon is number 152 in platinum in the Sinnoh dex?

There is no number 152 in the Sinnoh Pokedex however number 152 in the National Pokedex is Chikorita.

Are 152 and 171 prime numbers?

No. They are both composite numbers. They are not relatively prime either.

What is Pokemon 152 on Pokemon Platinum?

In the sinnoh pokedex rotom is number 152 but in the national pokedex rotom is number 479 and chickorita is number 152

How do you work the promble two whose difference is 152?

If you're looking for two numbers whose difference is 152, there are an infinite number of solutions. Try 155 and 3.

Is 515 a prime number or a composite number?

It is a composite number.