To convert a decimal to a percent, multiply it by 100. If that's 0.13, it equals 13%
234 is .013% of 18000
How do you write 7.5 in words
One hundred ten trillion.
You can write one hundred twelve thousand.
0.000 013 315 62 billion0.000 013 315 62 billion0.000 013 315 62 billion0.000 013 315 62 billion
18 billion 796 thousand 013 would be written as: 18,000,796,013.
To convert a decimal to a percent, multiply it by 100. If that's 0.13, it equals 13%
Usually you can't, because it's less than 1. If I HAVE to write it, I would write 013/20.
how to write thirteen million,five thousand in standard form
The BSB number 013-479 belongs to the ANZ Bank at Rowville, Victoria.
013 inches is approximately 33 centimetres, or one third of a metre.
To convert .013 thousandths to millimeters, you would multiply by 0.0254, since 1 inch is approximately 25.4 millimeters. Therefore, .013 thousandths is equal to 0.33 millimeters.