For any decimal , look at the number of decimal digits. Two(2) is this case. So we write it as over 1.00 (Note there are two decimal zeroes. Hence 0.16/1.00 Cancel down th4 decimal point 016/100 Ignore the prefix zero to '016. Hene 16/100 Since both numbers have a factor of '4' reduced/(Cancel down ) by '4'. Hence 16/100 = 4 /25 The Answer. As hinted above, for any decimal to be converted to a fraction , inspect the number of decimal places, and write the decimal number over one and the given number of decimal placed zeroes. . Then cancel down (reduce). Infinite decimals and irrational decimals require different technique.
To write 9.75 as a decimal, you simply write the whole number part followed by a decimal point and then the decimal part. Therefore, 9.75 can be written as 9.75 in decimal form.
To write nine tenths as a decimal, it looks like this: .9
To write 130 as a decimal, you simply write it as 130.0 or 130.00. This indicates that there are no additional decimal places beyond the whole number 130. Another way to represent 130 as a decimal is to write it as 130.000, which emphasizes that there are no decimal values present.
blank = representation.
0.016 = sixteen thousandths.
0.016 = 016/1000 = 2/125
two million, three hundred four thousand seven and sixteen thousandths.
For any decimal , look at the number of decimal digits. Two(2) is this case. So we write it as over 1.00 (Note there are two decimal zeroes. Hence 0.16/1.00 Cancel down th4 decimal point 016/100 Ignore the prefix zero to '016. Hene 16/100 Since both numbers have a factor of '4' reduced/(Cancel down ) by '4'. Hence 16/100 = 4 /25 The Answer. As hinted above, for any decimal to be converted to a fraction , inspect the number of decimal places, and write the decimal number over one and the given number of decimal placed zeroes. . Then cancel down (reduce). Infinite decimals and irrational decimals require different technique.
lrn2math 95 003 016.
1 025 016
1.004-.016 = 0.988
how do you write a this as decimal 9265
you divide the numerator by the denominator on you will get a decimal and you write it 00.00 that is a decimal
You first write the integer part, then write the decimal point and then the fractional part in decimal form.