0.75 recurring written as a fraction is 25/33
To convert 6.66666666667 to a fraction, we can first write it as 6.6 recurring. This can be represented as 6.6 with a bar over the 6 to indicate the recurring decimal. To convert this to a fraction, we can set x = 6.66666666667 and then subtract the non-recurring part to get 10x - x = 66. This simplifies to 9x = 66, so x = 66/9. Therefore, 6.66666666667 is equivalent to the fraction 66/9, which simplifies to 22/3.
If its a recurring decimal then it is -11/3 as a fraction
If it is a recurring decimal then its fraction is 1/9
0.75 recurring written as a fraction is 25/33
0.10, 0.100 or, 0.0999 ... (recurring)
Either place a dot of the 3, or write it as a fraction. As a mixed number fraction it is six and one third, and as a top-heavy fraction, 19/3.
Expressed as a mixed fraction, 2.2 recurring is equal to 2 2/9 or two and two ninths.
To write 6.66667 as a fraction, we can first recognize that it is a recurring decimal. To convert it to a fraction, we can set it as x = 6.66667 and then subtract the non-recurring part to get 10x - x = 60 - 6. This simplifies to 9x = 54, which gives x = 6. Now, we can express 6.66667 as a fraction by writing it as 6 2/3 or 20/3 in simplest form.
0.1 (recurring) = 1/9 Solve this type of problem as follows :- Let n = 0.1 (recurring) 10n = 1.1(recurring) 9n = 1 n = 1/9
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 13/37 is equal to 0.351 recurring (that is, 0.351351351..)
0.9 recurring as a fraction is equal to 1. I know its crazy. But its true.
-- Take one whole set of the digits that repeat in the decimal. Write them as the numerator of the fraction. -- For the denominator of the fraction, write a group of 9s ... the same number of them as there are digits in the numerator. -- Simplify the fraction, if possible and if you feel like it.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the denominator into the numerator. Whether it is recurring or not depends on the fraction.
Although it is a terminating fraction, it can be written as a recurring fraction as: 0.47000000... or 0.46999999...