one million, one hundred nine thousand, five hundred.
109, like any integer, can be written as a fraction in simplest form by putting it over 1.
It is: 300,000,000 or as 3.0*109 in scientific notation
You can write 90 in short word form as ninety.
109% = 109/100, which can't be further simplified.
6.3 * 109 IS in standard form.
109 tenths in decimal form = 10.9
If the question is about 8.428*109, then it is 8,428,000,000.
one million, one hundred nine thousand, five hundred.
It is: 1.0*109
It is: 9.87*109
1.0 × 109
6.23 × 109
1.307 109 in standard form is: 1.307 x 1091.307 x 109 in standard notation is: 1,307,000,000
1.0 × 109