128/100 1.28
128/1000 = 128 divided by 1,000 = 0.128
Well, honey, converting 128 to a decimal is as easy as pie. You simply write it as 128.0. Voila! You've got yourself a decimal. Now go impress your friends with your newfound decimal knowledge.
write the following decimal numbers in words .0087945
128/100 1.28
128/1000 = 128 divided by 1,000 = 0.128
Well, honey, converting 128 to a decimal is as easy as pie. You simply write it as 128.0. Voila! You've got yourself a decimal. Now go impress your friends with your newfound decimal knowledge.
You would write 128 in words as one hundred twenty-eight.
It is: 128/1000 = 0.128 as a decimal
write the following decimal numbers in words .0087945
There are no decimal words! The number is eight hundredths.
'Zero, point, three four'. NOT 'point thirty four'.