To simplify the fraction 137/12, you need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 137 and 12, which is 1 because 137 and 12 are relatively prime. Therefore, the fraction 137/12 is already in its simplest form and cannot be further reduced.
Well, sweetheart, to write 137 percent as a fraction, you simply take 137 and put it over 100 because percent means "per 100." So, 137 percent as a fraction is 137/100. It's as easy as pie, darling!
137 is in decimal form.
137 and a half can be written as an improper fraction by multiplying the whole number (137) by the denominator of the fraction (2) and adding the numerator (1) to get 275. Therefore, 137 and a half as a fraction is 275/2.
It is: 1.37 = 137/100 inches as an improper fraction
As an improper fraction in its simplest form 5.48 is 137/25
To simplify the fraction 137/12, you need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 137 and 12, which is 1 because 137 and 12 are relatively prime. Therefore, the fraction 137/12 is already in its simplest form and cannot be further reduced.
27.4% = 0.274 in decimal 0.274= 274/1000 or 137/500 therefore 27.4% = 137/500 in fraction in its simplest form
54.8% = 54.8/100 = 548/1000 = 137/250
Well, sweetheart, to write 137 percent as a fraction, you simply take 137 and put it over 100 because percent means "per 100." So, 137 percent as a fraction is 137/100. It's as easy as pie, darling!
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 0.0137 is equal to 137/10000 or one hundred and thirty-seven ten-thousandths.
137 is in decimal form.
In mixed number form you can have 13 7/10 In inproper fraction form you have 13 x the denominator 10 + the numerator 7 which is 130+7 = 137 keeping the originaly denominator, thus 137/10
137 = 137/1 in fraction
137% = 137/100 in fraction
If someone wants to obtain a form 137 then they need to write to their tax office for it. There is no specific format or content required for the letter beyond the person's name and address and the request for the form.
137 + 1/2 = (137 + 137 + 1)/2 = 275/2