0.149 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 149/1000.
0.86 million = 860,000
35.2 million = 35,200,000
32.2 million = 32,200,000
One hundred forty-nine million, six hundred thousand
149/10 = 14.9
149/25 as a percentage = 596%
Oh, dude, you just gotta remember your exponents for this one. So, 10x10x10x10 is the same as 10^4 in standard form. It's like saying "I have 10 to the power of 4, no big deal." Math can be chill sometimes, you know?
149 = (1 x 100) + (4 x 10) + (9 x 1)
149/25 as a percentage = 596%
On the average throughout a year, roughly 93 million miles, or 149 million kilometers.
149, 637, 000 kilometers (the approximate mean distance between the Earth and the Sun) is 149 million, 537 thousand kilometers. This equals 149,637,000,000 meters (149 billion, 637 million meters). This can also be expressed as 1.49637 x 1011 meters.