It is: 33,400,000 or as 3.34*107 in scientific notation
It is better to write the two numbers in the exponential form because writing too many zeros can become a headache and chances of writing more or less number of zeros increases. 107 x (8 x 1013) = 8 x 107+13 = 8 x 1020
It is: 12,000,000 or as 1.2*107 in scientific notation
It is: 91,700,000 or 9.17*107 in scientific notation
Writing numbers in standard form is writing numbers regular. For example One million in standard form is 1,000,000.
1, 107.
107 = 10700 %
They are: 1*107 = 107
Usually numbers. Unless you are young, writing it in words can be tedious!
It is in numbers: 66,000,000 or as 6.6*107 in scientific notation
Writing in figures is writing numbers the way they are normally written: 1, 574, 3,987, etc.
Writing in figures is writing numbers the way they are normally written: 1, 574, 3,987, etc.