You can write 10 followed by 2 and make 2 a superscript by choosing that in the font tab. Or, 10^2 is often used, with the ^ being the CAPITAL 6 key.
D major
All Primary keys are definitely Candidate Keys. A Candidate key is one which can be used as a Primary key that is not null and unique. That is one of the candidate keys can be chosen as a primary key.A Candidate key is a Unique Key and it can be used to find out any particular Tuple (row) in a table. The following are the differences between A Candidate key and a Primary Key: 1) A Unique key can be null but not a Primary key 2) On a table we can have only 1 primary key but 'N' number of unique keys.
We know that primary key is the one that is not null and is always unique. A primary key uniquely identifies a record in a table.
To copy you press CTRL Key and C with it to paste you do CTRL Key with V Key instead
The corresponding minor key to G Major is e minor. The key signature will be the same, one sharp: F#.
In Microsoft Word, there is the superscript button in the home tab. It has an A with a little "floating 2" to its right. Press that then enter your text. Or, you can just write (Number)^2. That is widely accepted.
Change the font style of the 4 to 'superscript'
The easiest way to write powers in Microsoft Word is to use the key combination ctrl+shift++.
1 key is only on a standard key board and that one key is the space bar
NO,there is not a key board on the HTC Touch Diamond.
the key board is played by placing your fingers on the board then push your fingers down and a sound will come out.
An arrow key is a key with a arrow on it at the bottom of you key board.
on the question mark key, it is the slash.
the key is in wacky-ki beach in front of the board that says board silly
Yes. you don't need a key board to boot the computer.