It is: 9 and 9/11
To convert the number 110 into a decimal, you simply write it as 110.0. This indicates that there are no fractions or parts of a whole number present, making it a whole number in decimal form. In this case, the decimal representation is the same as the original number, 110.
110 % = 110/100 = 11/10 (as an improper fraction) = 11/10 (as a mixed number)
one hundred and ten million or 110 000 000
5% of 2200 is 110 Working out 5% of 2200 Write 5% as 5/100 Since finding the fraction of a number is the same as multiplying the fraction with the number, we have 5/100 of 2200 = 110 5/100 × 2200 Therefore, the answer is 110
9 and 1/6
1 1/10
110% is 110/100 = 11/10 or 11/10
12 and 2/9
21/11 = 110/11
Applying the old saying "percent means hundredths" gives you 110% = 110/100 = 11/10 = 1 1/10 Since fractions are so hard to read on here, that's "one and one-tenth."
It is: 9 and 9/11
110 is an integer whole number, not a fraction. Your question makes no sense.
It is 220 or 220.0
To convert the number 110 into a decimal, you simply write it as 110.0. This indicates that there are no fractions or parts of a whole number present, making it a whole number in decimal form. In this case, the decimal representation is the same as the original number, 110.
12 and 2/9 = 110/9