It is: 116% = 1.16 which is 29/25 as a simplified fraction or 1 and 4/25 as a mixed number
6/4 in fraction and 1.5 in mixed number.
For a fraction, divide the numerator by the denominator and multiply by 100 for a percentage. If it's a mixed number, you first have to convert it to an improper fraction then do the same thing as for a fraction.
625/1000 = 5/8
6/4 in fraction and 1.5 in mixed number.
21% = 21/100 in fraction form.
272% as a mixed number is 218/25
160% as a mixed number is 13/5
225% is 9/4 as a fraction or 2 and 1/4 as a mixed number
60% is 3/5.
16/100 its that easy!!
401% = 41/100 in mixed number form.
For a fraction, divide the numerator by the denominator and multiply by 100 for a percentage. If it's a mixed number, you first have to convert it to an improper fraction then do the same thing as for a fraction.
58% =0.58580/100029/50