One hundred thirty thousand, six hundred.
To write 130 as a decimal, you simply write it as 130.0 or 130.00. This indicates that there are no additional decimal places beyond the whole number 130. Another way to represent 130 as a decimal is to write it as 130.000, which emphasizes that there are no decimal values present.
130% = 1.3 = 13/10 in fraction
6 = 600%
130% of 600= 130% * 600= 1.3 * 600= 780
130 feet x 600 feet is 1.79 acres.
Six hundred million.
8000 75,000, 600, 23
Six hundred billion.
In figures 130,000,000,000 In words 'One hundred and thirty billion'.
Five hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred.
Well... you write it like this... 600 000 000
To write 130 as a decimal, you simply write it as 130.0 or 130.00. This indicates that there are no additional decimal places beyond the whole number 130. Another way to represent 130 as a decimal is to write it as 130.000, which emphasizes that there are no decimal values present.
my 08 750 pushes 130 hp... the 600 pushes around 100
pick your favorite topic first. then plot it. its not that hard its petty easy